Rhonda over at Down To Earth talked about her routines today on her blog. I would love to say I have some sort of routine that I stick to, but in reality I don't.
Mostly my mornings consist of feeding animals and collecting eggs, making beds, cleaning the kitchen, organising the kids for school, sweeping the floors and somewhere in there, have a cup of tea.
Three mornings a week after these jobs are done and kids are taken to school, I go to work. On these days I find myself floundering in the afternoons when I finish work as my usual morning jobs are not done and I just want to sit and sew, cook or scrapbook but there's washing and folding and ironing and vacuuming etc, etc, etc to be done. I vacuum every day as we own a pug and a burmese that constantly shed hair.
I would love to have a set time for exercise, sometimes I get up early and do yoga or weights, on other days, I run up the mountain after the kids are taken to school, other days I struggle to fit in anything at all.
On the days I do not work, I try to do the weekly jobs like changing beds, mopping, bathroom etc as well as the daily jobs, sometimes I just go "to hell with it" and sew all day!
Sunday's used to be my main cooking day for school snacks, but it's footy season and we are out all weekend with sporting commitments. So I fit in snack making when I can.
I get out in the garden when I can, I usually have a quick look at the vege patch when feeding the chooks, but as for weeding, AHHHHHH I'll get there.
WOW I really need some routine!!!!! In reading this back, I have no idea what I'm doing day to day.
Spending less time on the computer would be a start, time to write up some lists I think (I love lists) and really see where my time goes.
Thanks for the prompt Rhonda, I'm getting off the lap top now. LOL