Monday, 24 September 2012


:: school holidays
:: being diet coke free
:: learning more and experimenting about clean eating
:: being back at the gym
:: reaping rewards of our vege patch
:: smiling about Lachie being selected for SAPSASA cricket in    Adelaide next month
:: making yoghurt with our new maker

What are you enjoying at the moment?


  1. I am enjoying having Bri home all last week and now all this week too, leading up to the long weekend. It's nice to be asked to cook favourite meals, cookies etc.
    Unfortunately, I have to work during the day but we are holidays from Oct 1st and heading to Tasmania for 2 weeks so I.CAN.NOT.WAIT!!

    I have enjoyed making bread rolls again this weekend, they turned out so well.

    I'm glad you are getting on okay without DietCoke. Diet drinks are something I really dislike - I've never liked the taste so we just have normal Coke in small amounts.

    Cheers - Joolz

  2. sorry Rose it's a SA sports competition for year 6/7 students. Lachie has made the lower south east squad and will play in Adelaide for a week against Adelaide teams.


I love receiving comments and do try my hardest to comment back, sometimes though, life gets in the way.