Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Look what we found in our garden today....

and still more zucchini coming our way.


I have to ask. So, who's thinking that in 2010 I'll start.....
Why wait?
Make a list of those goals, things you would like to achieve and start now.
Give it a go, don't think "I will have a no spend week starting in 2010" start it now so you don't go and have a spend up just to make you feel like you're not missing out on anything.
Don't decide to start that fitness routine and a healthy new you starting 2010, start this minute and don't give yourself permission to eat junk and laze around until 2010.

So, what are you waiting for?


I shouldn't whinge but they are really heavy this morning.

I jumped out of bed at 5:30am to meet my very good friend Julie and drive for 1/2 hour to the beach. We started to jog in the soft sand but quickly realized that a fast walk would be more our pace.

For those of you who love to walk or run on tracks or cement and live near a beach, give it a go in the soft sand. You will feel it a lot quicker, it's hard sweaty work and boy does it feel good.

We had a perfect morning for it today and fast walked/jogged for nearly 2 hours. Next week I'm trying to convince Julie to head up some sand dunes.

Thursday, 24 December 2009


on the 5th of January. Oh crap, guess what I'm doing between Christmas and New Year.

For those that don't know I have been studying Sports Nutrition through Beck Health and Nutrition in NSW. Some of it I know due to my Personal Training studies, but I wanted a more indepth look at the sports nutrition side mainly for my own training.

Have a safe and happy Christmas and I'll see you in the New Year.

Monday, 21 December 2009


Over the last few months I have managed to put on a few kilos. I haven't been exercising the way I usually do and have slipped back into some bad eating habits.

4 days ago the eating habits changed, I feel on track there and the exercise will start tomorrow morning with skipping and boxing.

Time to try and feel better on the inside and outside for summer.


Okay, I've finally made up my mind to keep this blog going. When I decided to condense both blogs into 1 last month I was under a great deal of stress time wise, but now I'm feeling much more in control and I have decided that the 2 blogs are better kept apart.
So if anyone is still even visiting, I'm back.

Now onto some important business......
Worm farms.
My existing worm farm just doesn't cut it, it's 2 layered which is a pain to get the castings out and it doesn't have a tap, just a drainage pipe into a bucket. This is not ideal considering it is in with the chooks and they knock over the bucket. It dries out much too quickly also.
The solution...

with 4 big layers and a tap I'll be set. I will be getting this beauty along with 4000 beautiful worms after we return from our annual holiday in Robe in January.