Monday, 27 February 2012


While over at Down to Earth today I saw a post from a member about using a natural wood polish. This polish is made from 50% lemon/vinegar solution that I have talked about making before and 50% olive oil.

I made up the solution right away, gave it a shake and with a soft cloth applied it to our solid wood kitchen cupboards. I was very impressed and then decided to try it on our Heidi scratched lower doors.



Okay, so now I was truely amazed!!! This product cut through grease on the rangehood, cleaned away dirty marks and made the scratches from our dog disappear.

I'm off to keep cleaning my woodwork.

Monday, 20 February 2012


It was my Dad's birthday last Friday and the 5 kids, all daughters and Mum gave him a bit of a party. You see, my Dad was given 15 years to live 20 years ago, so we are all so blessed to have him with us and to be able to celebrate his 70th birthday.
Mum and Dad with all of the Grandkids (Damian unfortunately couldn't come from Melbourne).

Mum and Dad with all of us girls.

What a lovely day we had and Dad was all smiles. I'm so glad we could do this for him.

I love you Dad, happy birthday.

Monday, 13 February 2012


I managed to kill off my potted herbs a couple of weeks ago and have now found a garden bed just off of the kitchen to start a new herb garden. There were native trees in the bed but I have been watching them die for the last year and thought it was time to pull them out. After building up the soil, my new herbs were ready to be planted. I managed to save some thyme, sage, aloe vera and rosemary from the pots so I now have a lovely selection once again.

Sauce is finished for the year, it's a big job but totally worth the effort.

Friday, 10 February 2012

FEBRUARY 10, 2012

15 years ago this baby boy came into our lives and changed them forever.

Happy birthday Dan, we couldn't be prouder of you.

Wednesday, 8 February 2012


Yesterday I spent some time cleaning out and moving my late 1800's meatsafe back down into the kitchen. As I looked at it, I couldn't quite decide what to place in it. This cupboard has been in most rooms of our home and as housed lots of different things like quilts, books, china, toys and odds and ends.
By the end of the day, I still didn't know what to put in it until I woke up this morning and saw Amanda's post over at Soulemama about how she had turned a dresser into a kitchen apothecary. What a perfect idea to house oils, herbs and other natural ingredients in one place. When I grow out of this cupboard, I have my eye on the other antique cabinet in our kitchen that is much larger but at the moment it houses some very sentimental china from my grandmother that I don't have anywhere else to store.
I'm off to gather my bits and pieces for my apothecary.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Friday, 3 February 2012

You may remember I participated in the 30 day vegan course run by Heather of Beauty That Moves last year. Well next week I will be starting her latest course, Whole Food Kitchen. I am doing this course thanks to my lovely online friend, Rose, who kindly gave it to me through a 2 for 1 deal that Heather had running for a short time.

I can't tell you how excited I am to begin another of Heather's courses. I learnt so much from 30 day vegan and this one will have so much more to offer as it's a 3 month course, I am so happy to be doing this with a friend as I'm sure at times I will find it a challenge and I know Rose will be there to listen and offer advice. Ummmm, you will be won't you Rose?

Wednesday, 1 February 2012


This year I am dedicating more time to me. I'm not a selfish person but I really feel that I need to spend more time on myself doing what makes me happy.

I have started studying my natural therapies diplomas and am beginning with aromatherapy and kinesiology. I have always had an big interest in natural therapies and I feel that now the kids are all at school it's time to pursue those interests.

I gave up going to yoga class about 1 1/2 years ago when my mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had so much going on and didn't feel right or have the time to do something for myself. I have been doing yoga at home throughout this time but I felt like I needed some structure and gentle pushing that I couldn't give myself. I went back to class last night and it was wonderful. I slept so soundly last night for the first time in ages and I just feel great today. Sadly my finances won't allow more than one class a week but I think that should be enough to get me on track for my home practice.

My wonderful husband left me an email to read this morning that he wrote. I won't put it up here but lets just say I'm feeling very appreciated and loved at the moment.

Lastly, I have taken up my moderator position once more over at Down To Earth. I really missed moderating with Rhonda and the team and in hind-sight should never have left.

Well I'm off to clean our home and bake some yummy goodies for the kids when they get home from school.

Take care