Thursday, 24 February 2011


After 5 days of gastro last night I developed this rash all over my body. It's red and itchy and I'm really not happy. I don't think it's a food allergy as all I have eaten in the last 5 days is bananas and toast.

I tried to get into my chiropractor who is my wholistic provider in natural care but he isn't working today so I went to the doctor. What a waste of time that was, no wonder I try to avoid them as much as possible. He tried to tell me it's a reaction fom a pain relief tablet I took 5 days ago for stomach cramps. I take this tablet for bad headaches and period pain and have never had a reaction. I know strange things can happen, but really, from 5 days ago, sorry I'm not buying it! I had to be checked out though as I work with babies, pregnant mums and toddlers and measles had to be ruled out.

So I am none the wiser and have to have the rest of the week off work and try and make some sense of this tomorrow with my chiropractor.


  1. Yikes!! I hope you figure out what is going on.

  2. I have no clue with that rash. Pinetarsal in a cool bath may relieve the itching ( they use it for chicken pox). I hope you find some answers soon.
    Actually, I have had sore, blistered, inflamed, cracked lips for nearly 2 weeks now, they are just settling down. I tried everything from 2 types cold sore cream, Paraderm cream, Soov, Derm-Aid cream, Resolve Balm, Paw Paw ointment and plain old Vaseline. Can't pin point what would have caused it other than stress maybe, but geez, I am not that stressed! Weird. Hope you get some relief,


  3. That looks very itchy and would be driving you mad....hope you find out what is causing it soon.

  4. It looks like a viral rash Sue, and given gastro is a virus, that makes sense. Hopefully it should clear up in a couple of days. You poor thing, not fun :-)

  5. Oh, Sue! So sorry to see you're not doing so good. I haven't seen anything like that rash before. I hope you get some relief - maybe a cool oatmeal bath would help. Prayers of healing to you!

  6. I hope that rash cleared up. How are things going?


  7. Never mix brufren with bananas...I wish medical staff would tell this. I have seen some near misses with the reaction from this. Not sure what you took but am willing to Marilyn

  8. Could be the bananas. Some people are allergic to them. I quit a mostly fruit diet (80/10/10) because of a similar rash. I was eating a lot of bananas and strawberries. I never had problems with either before. It must have been the large quantities.

  9. Ive developed a rash like this, ive had it just over a week now... its driving me insane, i hate going to the doctors but I may have to to figure out what is going on. How long did yours last?


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